Public Vetting Open February 20 – March 22, 2024

The PHAB Standards & Measures for Vital Records and Health Statistics (VRHS) Reaccreditation is now available for public feedback. Your input is vital to ensuring that the Standards align with the unique needs of VRHS units across the country and the communities they serve. Vetting is open February 20 – March 22, 2024.

To share your feedback:

Highlights of the VRHS Reaccreditation Standards & Measures
The Standards were developed with input from the field, including perspectives from a recent Think Tank hosted by PHAB with subject matter experts. The proposed Standards:

  • embeds equity, which was not included in the Standards for Initial VRHS Accreditation;
  • incorporates updated guidance around infrastructure, including workforce, based on Version 2022;
  • and includes data modernization concepts.

The VRHS Accreditation program was launched in 2018 to promote high standards and continuous improvement and elevate the visibility of vital records units across the country. Vital records serve critical public health functions and are essential in tracking life expectancy and creating effective public health programs.

Have questions about VRHS vetting or the VRHS accreditation program? Email [email protected].

Thanks for your commitment to continuing to advance the Vital Records & Health Statistics field.